Race Team Selection Day

Date: 14 Oktober
Time: 0800h - 1600h
Location: RSZV

If you want to be a member of of one of the racing teams you are required to participate on the selection day. There will be a ton of racing where we will put you in every position to paint an accurate picture of what your skill level is. Races will be held on the J22's.

It is possible for everyone to train on the J22 ahead of the selection day to improve everyones chances. There are matchraces and instructions available for everyone. 

If there are any questions feel free to contact me at nedjirtsdew.[antispam].@rszv.nl or 0615311430.

We hope to see you there! And best of luck!

Op de natte poes,
S. Herrera van der Nood
Mijnheer de commissaris wedstrijden



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